
Sunday, January 15, 2012


OMG!! I have to run shop by myself!!!...kinda awesome but it makes me nervous..I'm not alone actually,his mom is here to accompany me but it's sure is quite because he didn't leave his laptop,so no music......Today,everything went well,although there was a panicking moments but overall it's ok..but I'm still nervous about tomorrow,hopefully tomorrow will be ok too...

Yesterday went well,hopefully today too...1 day down,1 day to go..but I'm not so sure he(my boss)will be here tomorrow because he told me that he might not be here tomorrow and someone will replace...OMG,I don't think I could manage another day running this shop by myself..It'd happened again,I saw a girl that look like the girl that I mentioned in 'Mood = :(',lets put her as 'X',so I saw this girl with her mom but this time I was a bit 50/50,not like last time which was 70/30(meaning I'm pretty sure that's not 'X') because this time,the girl was looking at me as she walked past my shop,so I was not sure whether it's really her or not,or maybe it's because I'be start to forget how she looks like :)...because honestly,before this,I sometimes visit her profile on Facebook,I know it's creepy but I wanted to know what she was doing..but don't worry,I'm not doing that anymore,I've stopped for quite a long time now...I guess I did move on...:)...After my break,I took my laptop and I online here..LOL....."Great" news,my boss will be here on Friday,so that means I have to run this shop again tomorrow...

Here I am again but this time I'm not alone,I'm with his mom and this girl,also an optomologist (I know the right name now),she was also here last night and today,she'll be here the whole day.She's ok,friendly and sometimes talkative... :) BTW,she likes Zac Efron too...It's almost the end of the night,that means time is almost over for me to run this shop by myself..thanked God but still,tomorrow is a big challenge because I have to explain everything to my boss about all the problems and all the confusing,wish me luck...

Back to basic,that means my boss is back..I'm quite nervous to tell him about everything...I told him everything and it went well(thanked God),hopefully nothing bad will happen...


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