
Sunday, January 22, 2012


I watched the 69th Golden Globe Awards yesterday,it was awesome(even though Vanessa or Zac wasn't there)a lot of A-list celebrities attended,so it's pretty amazing...can't wait for the Academy Awards!!..BTW,Vanessa's new movie 'Journey 2:The Mysterious Island' will be in cinemas 19th January 2012....G texted me last Sunday,she asked what I was doing and then I replied.We texted for a while...then she said "donkey donuts" for whatever reason,so I said to her that I just ate Dunkin' Donuts because it was true,my sister bought a Dunkin' Donuts...she thought I was mocking her,so I said I wasn't and I told her to go to bed because she have to go to work the next day,then she said I was trying to kick her out...then it became an argument but I tried not to make it longer,so I told her again to go to bed,then she was like angry at me(WTH!).I was happy that day but then it gone away.."thanks" to her..Then yesterday,she texted saying that she's tired but I didn't reply because I can feel that it will turn out to be an argument again because of her confusing attitude...Sometimes when she said something to mess with me,I mess with her back but then she said I was insulting her..she's crazy,right??..You know what,at first I was like "why is she acting like this??" but after a few times I didn't really care  why she's acting like that because we're  just friends but then I realize that  even though we're just friends but you still have to know who they are,why are they acting all confusing and that's why I have to see her and solve  everything....My boss,he want to buy a meal for me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow,then he asked me what I like to was embarrassing but I didn't tell him I just said that I like any kind of food..I was laughing when he asked I am kinda happy right now,hopefully G will not text me..LOL

I'm alone at my shop right now because my boss went out for lunch....and now,he's back.... :) Remember that I said I sometimes write novels???Well,my sister gave me an idea to write a novel about mystery or magical story.I could do it but I need a lot of time and I really have to learn to put my imaginations into writing,which is pretty hard for,I'm still considering it... :)

A wants to meet me either tonight or tomorrow night,he said he'll text me,so I said ok...BTW,I already applied for university on Monday but I'm not so sure if I could get accepted...I really hope I do...wish me luck everyone..:) Had fun with A tonight,talking and online and of course,eating @McDonald.. :) I told A about what happened between me and G.He also think that we should meet and he told me that she works at the clinic that I used to go for my,maybe I will see her....

I'm alone at work right now,sometimes I like this moment,I mean being alone especially when I just argued with my boss about something that I think we both wrong...I've been wearing contact lens since last Saturday and I will wear it everyday because this is monthly disposable,so if I don't wear it,it's be waste of money...:) I'm still reading 'Eragon' but already half of the book..and the story is getting interesting... :) My boss bought me KFC for's so embarrassing,a little awkward actually... :P

I'm a bit surprise when my customer,a Chinese women,didn't thanked me for returning her file after I followed her almost the entire block because she left it in my shop but you know,I wasn't hoping so much because I know that what I did is a good thing...that's all that matters.. :) My nephew are here for today,thanked God I have to go to work..LOL..BTW,he's also wearing spectacles,what a nerd..hahaha..

Yesterday,before I got home,I argued with my boss again,he looked upset..Today,I'll work for half day because tomorrow is Chinese New Year and we'll close until Thursday,probably and hopefully..Today,my boss is in an ok mood,maybe because tomorrow i Chinese New Year...but I think this is a good thing because I'm tired of making my serious face... LOL


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