
Tuesday, February 7, 2012


There's 2 things that I found out yesterday.First,the Inheritance Cycle has 4 books not 3.The first book is 'Eragon',second is 'Eldest'(which is the one I'm reading right now),third is 'Brisingr' and forth is 'Inheritance'.So,I bought the third book yesterday because I'm afraid it might sold out.Second thing that I found out was that Zac Efron,he said to Glamour Magazine that he cried 10 times while watching 'Toy Story 3',which is to me is one of the saddest movie I've ever watch,I mean second because 'War Horse' is more,that's it.The 2 things that I found out.Right now,I have this feeling that I don't even know what it is,I mean,I don't know whether it's excitement or nervousness or happiness or anything but I kinda like it.The only problem is I can't focus reading but I do hope nothing bad will happen that might ruin it.....I've finish 400 pages of 'Eldest' already... :)


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