
Thursday, February 23, 2012


Back to work..I've been thinking about quiting my job but I haven't tell anyone yet.The reason for it,well,I think you guys could understand why...he's(my boss)such an asshole because he never really appreciate me,maybe he did but for once or twice...I'm not asking him to treat me like a king,just appreciate me as a human that willing to help him.Like I said before,if he want the give-and-take thing,he's definitely wrong because the only thing that he give is salary,while I give him respect,labour and loyalty..I don't really think I could stay here for a long period,I might quit after a few months.I just can't work with someone who don't appreciate me...Today,I'll continue checking stuff and I'll try to finish as many as I could so that I don't have to sit at his table anymore...

Still haven't finish yet,a lot more to go.According to my plan if anything goes wrong,I could finish it by the end of the work or earlier...hopefully nothing will go wrong..I'm now at page 826.. :)

Stop checking for a while (I hope) because baldy's sister wants to explain something to him about the documents in the computer.I think she works as a computer programmer or something..So,I'm gonna take this chance to read 'Eldest',the story is getting interesting...stopped at page 844..still haven't finish checking but not so much left... :)


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