
Saturday, March 3, 2012


 I watched the 84th Annual Academy Awards yesterday,it was awesome,Billy Crystal is amazing..Today,I will checking our customers' records and if I have time,I will start reading the third book in 'Inheritance Cycle','Brisingr'..kinda excited.. :)..I stopped at page 26....and still haven't finish checking,a lot more to go...

Today,as usual,will do some checking and reading 'Brisingr'...and also,today is a special day because it' 29th February,it's 'Leap Year Day'(I don't know for sure LOL)..I stopped checking after I got back from my break,just need some rest :P ...I took the chance and continue reading 'Brisingr'.I'm at page 94 now,can't wait to continue...BTW,I might not put something on baldy's food or drinks...for now,,really,I might not do it because I'm start cooling off now but I will do it if he start a fight with me again...I hope my salary is already in the bank,so that it will help me cheer up a bit but actually I am kinda happy these few days,I don't know why and also,it's been raining for a while but everyday lately....My dad's birthday is a round the corner,3 more days to go.We planned to go out for dinner the next day but it's still to be confirm...

Changing plan,we might just have dinner at home for my dad's birthday.My sister will cook the meal,my other sisters and brothers and I will but the cake and the present....Listening to the song 'Keep Holding On' by Avril Lavigne...makes me happy a bit after found out that my salary is not in my account yet,maybe today it will...hopefully..BTW,this Sunday,Manchester United will be fighting against Tottenham Hotspur..I feel like I want to watch it but I have to go to McDonald because at my house,we didn't subscribe sports channels,so I have to go somewhere else..but my sister said she will subscribe it once EURO 2012 start..which is in June :) ..Did a little checking,still have about a few dozens to go and now I'll continue reading 'Brisingr'..Yea!!I already got my salary but it's in my bank account but still,I already got it!!... :) ...I stopped reading 'Brisingr' at page 148..Right now,I'm waiting to be pick up by my sister from wook....and she has arrived... :)

Tonight,'Lord Of The Ring:The Fellowship Of The Ring' will be play on tv!!!Yea!!can't wait to watch it.. :) ..I might not go to work on Sunday because I have to help prepare for my dad's birthday dinner that night but we'll have to see about it...I had an awkward moment today,I had to sit next to baldy while checking our customers' was so weird,we didn't say a word..I hope I didn't have to go through it again tomorrow...Well,another 20 minutes before I go home and I'm resting at my chair right now,away from baldy...LOL...I didn't got so many chances to read and now I've stopped at page 158...

Today is my dad's 72nd birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!..I've watched 'Lord Of The Ring: The Fellowship Of The Ring' yesterday.That movie is awesome!!I've seen it before but it was a long time ago....I borrowed my sister's phone today so that I could listen to the radio :).. I'll checking later but now,I'm gonna continue reading 'Brisingr'...Done some checking,not so much left.I will continue next Tuesday because tomorrow I will not going to work because I'll be sick tomorrow(just pretending LOL)..I stopped at page 180.. :)


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