
Saturday, April 7, 2012


Yesterday I jogged for 1.9km and walked for 2.2km... :) You know what,yesterday there's this girl,she's amazing because she could jogged for a couples of rounds non-stop..I think she's an athlete.......or a robot..LOL.Yesterday,after I had my big breakfast and cooked for lunch,I went for a little shopping and guess what I bought??.....'Inheritance'!The last book in the 'Inheritance Cycle'!I'm excited and nervous to read.This book is bigger than the first 3 books.So long story short,I had a great time yesterday... :).Today I brought 'Inheritance' with me to work and gonna read it...Today,I'm a bit busy,so I don't have a lot of time to read but I stopped for today at page 26...

I'm alone at work right now....Baldy is back....I thought about going to watching a movie tonight but maybe I won't because I think A and S might wanna watch a movie this weekend...but we'll see about it.. :).I stopped reading 'Inheritance' at page 95... :)

5.4.2012 know what,I did watch a movie yesterday.. :P I went with my sister actually.We watched 'Wrath of The Titans',that movie is amazing!!!!..There's 2 things that makes me happy today but I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is...LOL.. :) I stopped reading at page 144...

Ok,yesterday there weren't just 2 things,it was actually 3 but one was an unhappy thing.The thing is,I was too eager to find out the ending of 'Inheritance',so I read the last page and I found out that the ending was kinda sad("great",right).I didn't write it yesterday because I thought I could pretend that I didn't know what the ending was but I couldn't ,unless I write about it(I hope it works).I stopped at page 209....

Hey,you know what,I just found out that Zac Efron also like to draw and painting.Looks like we have something in common... :)..I stopped reading 'Inheritance' at page 255....


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