
Thursday, May 17, 2012


I didn't go to work today because I have "fever" LOL but actually I'm just feeling tired because I cam back home late yesterday,hang out with A & S,we watched a movie,which is 'The Avengers'! Finally I got a chance to watch the movie! :)...So,I'm just staying home,watching tv and online.

I'm a work right now,as usual,I'm alone and start work an hour early...BTW,I have to act as if I'm recovering from a fever...LOL..Remember that I told you guys that I visited my aunt at the hospital(in My Diary 73),well she got cancer and it was getting worst and just now my sister called me and told me that my aunt just died...but I don't know if I could go to the funeral or not,depends on baldy's decision...we just have to wait and see....At first,he's(baldy) ok with the idea of me got off work early but then,he didn't let me take a day off tomorrow to go to Perak for my aunt's funeral...what an ass!..After I talked to my sister and make a decision to take my day off even if it means it's an unpaid leave,I text baldy and he said 'ok,just go'...I don't if he's mad or not..but I don't care because this is my father's young sister's funeral,so I have to be there...

We didn't make it to the funeral and we have to go to early and didn't go to the ceremony because they'll want to do tonight,and I have to go to work tomorrow,so as my sisters,so we came home early....even though we didn't go to the ceremony but at least we tried our best to be there....And now I'm at home...I hope she'll rest in peace....I don't know what would happen tomorrow between me and baldy...if he wants to fire me or anything,I don't really care...


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