
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I had fun yesterday,woke up at 6.40a.m. and made breakfast,chocolate chip pancakes! and it was delicious.Then,I was online for a few hours,listening to 'Arctic Monkeys',I can't believe did that but their songs was amazing,most of it.Thank you so much for those who told me about them.. :) I took a nap yesterday afternoon and online again..LOL.. Now I'm at work :( but I have a good news,August would be the last month I'm working here,which is another 3 months and then I'm out of here! :)..I already counted and found out that I have 101 days before my last day here,so I decided to make a countdown until the 31st of August.. :) I'm gonna write it next to the date of today...



  1. Your blog is quite amazing, it inspires me that we should really think positively and have few very good friends by our side!!A sounds like a nice person!!

    I'd love to read more,

    Someone who thinks you're terrific!!

  2. owh thank you so much for ur compliment...I'm glad u're inspired by it..
    yup,A is a nice guy..
    I really hope u keep on viewing My Blog,and leave ur comments...
    Thank you for supporting My Blog!
