
Thursday, June 28, 2012

MY DIARY (107)

Yesterday was great but I didn't do a lot of things,just online,watching tv and rearrange my wardrobe.. :).I'm at work right now...BTW,I haven't text A or S for like 2 weeks,I think...I don't wanna bother them,you know because maybe they're busy,so I'm just gonna wait for their text...Christopher Paolini haven't reply my question but it's ok,maybe he's least he replied before... :) ..Remember the haze that I mentioned in 'My Diary (99)'?It's getting better,less haze...Actually,I'm still worry about the spectacles because I don't know whether he took it or not but I strongly feel that he haven't because if he did,I'm sure baldy be outrage at me,so I assume he didn't take it yet but I hope he has or if he want to take it,it's not when I'm here.....It's raining,quite heavily but there's no dark sky or lightning...I'm kinda proud of what I did just now,you see,baldy's friend,who work at an eye specialist about2 shops away from us,came and asked baldy to help her change the light bulb at her shop but baldy's short,so she asked me and I said ok and I successfully changed it.What I'm proud of is not because I changed the light bulb but because of I said ok without hesitation,without doubt...I know maybe it sound ridiculous but it also means that I'm confident of myself and it didn't happened just this one,it happened before but not changing a light bulb and I said ok without second thought.I feel kinda amazing that I'm more confident..but it didn't happen without anyone's help,someone shows me that I can be confident of thanks that person for helping me,though not literally... :)

I didn't start work an hour early today...Argh!!he haven't take his spectacles!!hopefully he'll take when I'm not here...


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