
Saturday, October 6, 2012

MY DIARY (150)


I’m kinda worry lately because I’m sort of becoming a different person and not in a way I wanted.I’m not grumpy but I’m just not the funny guy that I use to be,especially with my family.I don’t know exactly why but I thought maybe because of the secret or maybe influence someone but then I came up with another conclusion,maybe I was somehow mad at my family for not interested in what I’, trying to say.....or it’s just that I’m dying...which is pretty ridiculous,right??..I’m worry that I’m gonna be forever like this,it’s not like I wanted it,but I just couldn’t find a joke or anything funny...but I’m gonna try to find a way to be happy and funny again since that Saturday is my blog’s second birthday.. J...There’s a lot of events this month,besides my blog’s birthday,it’s my sister’s and brother’s birthday and it’s also an Eid day...quite a lot,right???

Tomorrow is the big day,can’t wait,though I don’t plan on making anything....BTW,right now,I’m trying to find a way to be happy...well,not happy because I am happy,just that I’m not funny anymore,so now,I’m finding a way to make me who I was,the funny guy...wish me luck.....I can’t,I can’t be myself again....I tried but I just can’t...I don’t laugh at funny jokes,though I did smile but I just can’t be funny anymore...I’m gonna take a nap,hopefully everything will be better....I just woke up but I don’t feel any different...a bit better maybe but nothing more...


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