
Monday, October 15, 2012

MY DIARY (153)

I haven't write anything for the past few days because I was kinda busy with editing my novel and I continue making the house model,I almost finish it...but the main reason is,I don't know what to write...I gotta say,I'm getting worst lately,what I mean is,I'm more quite and isolated myself more often...I just realized it today,actually....and as I always said,I'm gonna find a way ti fix it..sometimes I get annoyed hearing myself saying that because sometimes I didn't do anything or I couldn't find a solution to fix thing...You what else I hate?Myself,I hate myself right now because I'm suppose to be happy,the secret I'm keeping is a happy one,though yes,there is a sad part but it's not the time yet,I still have a couple of weeks to be,I will find a way....I just hope I would and I hope god will help me too...


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