
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Tomorrow would be the last day of's kinda sad to say goodbye to 2013 since it's been quite a great year because I met a lot of new people and make a few new friends,though there was hard times and the times when I feel horrible or disappointed or sad but there was also times when I was happy,proud,grateful and not to forget that I also met a few people which cause me to smile without a reason... :) ..and also those who have been supporting me and cheering me up when I was feeling down....2013 have been the year where I learned to live on my own without my family for the first time..2013 was also the year where for the first time I got 80 page views in one day.. :) ..2013 was the year I feel interested in a Southern is also the year where I learned to use Whatsapp,WeChat,Insatgram,Tumblr and few others social network...2013 was one of a great year in my life....I would also like to say THANK YOU to those who helped and supported me in everything I did in 2013 and those who make me smile and cheer me up whenever I was sad and THANK YOU to my family and my best friends for being there for me all the time,though sometimes through online chat...haha...and to my college friends who helped me in my studies and those who was being a big contribution in helping me being who I am (you know who you are) and finally THANK YOU to all of you who kept viewing BLOG AROUND THE CORNER,though there wasn't any new updates sometimes..haha
For 2014,I hope it's gonna be much,much better year.I hope I will manage to go through any circumstances and solve all my problems that I know I will I hope there will be more viewers and maybe you all could leave some comments..haha

FAREWELL 2013!!!!!!!


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