
Saturday, December 22, 2018


Hi guys!!

I mean, what's up?? LOL

How are you all this week? Good? Good.

So, as you all know, my family and I are living in a new house for a month now, more or less. So far everything is great. Honest.

But this week I wanna write about...or more like answer the question that you guys and some of my friends had asked me regarding us moving.

The question was, how do I feel about all this?

Honestly, I didn't really think about it before and shortly after we moved. Maybe because at first we weren't 100% confirmed about moving and by the time we did, we didn't have much time and of course we were busy with our daily stuff and arranging all the things like when are we going to arrange for the movers to take our belongings and how do we clean the old house and shit, so I personally didn't get the chance to feel anything. Just tired, probably.

And after we were done moving, I didn't actually go through my mind about this until I saw someone comment on my post asking ''How do I feel?'' and some of my friends asked me that too.

So I try acknowledge my feelings and I come to conclusion that I actually feels a few feelings.

1. Happy
Because it's a fresh start for me and my family, though we aren't moving so far away from our previous house, but still, it's a new neighbourhood.

2. Sad...kinda
Because I had to say goodbye to a house that has kept about 13 years of memories, good and bad. A house that have seen me change from a teenager to an adult. So you get the picture.

3. Nervous/excited.
Because as I mentioned before, it's a fresh start. So I'm both nervous and excited to see how it all gonna turn out.

So yeah, that's pretty much what I feel about us moving to a new house. Probably not as emotional as you all thought it would be but I'm not really good at making long ass heart to heart speech...I'm a robot... 😂😂..

And as promised, below I attached the photos of our new house. FYI, it's not the latest photo but it's still a photo of each room of our new house. So, enjoy. 😆

This is our living room/dining

The master bedroom with its own bathroom

Second bedroom

Third bedroom aka my bedroom. This is where the magic happen. By magic I mean, nothing.

Our bathroom, but the one in the master bedroom is bigger than this.

The wet and dry kitchen. It's small, I know..haha.

That's all I got for this week. I hope you like it.

Leave your opinion on the comment section below. Share this post if you like sharing. Follow BATC for more post.

Love Always,


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