
Saturday, April 25, 2020


Hey guys!

How are you?

I gotta be honest, this is going to be a short post because I don't want to get emotional and write a long axx speech.

So, as some of you might already know that I am broadcasting on a platform named YOUNOW. I started broadcasting on the platform last year just out of the blue. Well, mostly because I was unemployed and bored...hahaha..

And today (25th of April 2020) marked 1 year of me on Younow. I honestly can't believe how fast time flies.

I can still remember my first few days on there, broadcasting with my bad laptop and my stream was such a low quality (it's still kinda is :P) . And there was no one watching me. I was just sitting there by myself, talking to myself...LOL.

However, all of that have changed. Now I have more than 600 fans and have received over 200k likes (some of you might not understand what I'm talking about - basically fans means followers and likes means....likes).

So I'm taking this time to thank all of the people who have been so supportive and has been supporting my through the entire time. And thank you to some of the big broadcasters on the platform who have given so much advise and help to improve myself and my stream. I have learned a lot and have made a bunch of new friends and acquaintances.

Little do you know that I had almost wanted to give up broadcasting because I didn't have any viewers and it was seems like I'm not making any progress, but all of that changes when I started to have loyal viewers who came back to my every streams and interacting with me.

I could list all those people but then it will ruin my main purpose to keep this post short.

So, that's all I wanted to let you guys know. For you all who don't know what Younow is or interested to know more or want to support me there, you guys can click my Younow link below and join in the community.


That's all for this week. Have a nice day/night guys!

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Love Always,

Below are the links to my social media, so GO FOLLOW!:

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