
Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Hey guys!

How are you doing?

Good, I hope

So this week I'm bringing another topic that is not a tips or advice. This is more of relationship talk (even though I have never been in a relationship, as you all already know).

Nevertheless, we all have experienced this whether we are, we were or never been in a relationship.

So today I will share with you guys how to kind of differentiates whether you love that person or it's just a crush.


Here's the meaning of Love and Crush

LOVE means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. The basic meaning of love is to feel more than liking towards someone. Love truly sees and accepts their object of affection. Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. Love is patient, love is understanding, and love is forgiving.

"Love means never having to say you're sorry" - It's from a movie #iykyk

However, this definition might defer from one person to the other.

CRUSH is defined as a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone inappropriate or unattainable.

And also, crush usually last for about 4 months.

That's the major difference that you can see.

So, check your calendar! LOL

And here are a few differences between Love and Crush:

1. Crush may feel insecure but love derive from trust.

2. Crush is short-lived.

- Like I wrote above, usually last for 4 months.

3. A crush focuses on appearance.

4. Love see more than just the appearance but also the insight.

5. A crush can fade away when there's difficulties or something bad happen.

6. Love puts more focus on being who you are.

7. Love is steady and more balanced.

So there you go. Hope this super short post helps you clarify whether you are crushing on someone or actually falling in love.

I will post again next week with a different topic and hopefully a longer post LOL.

Until then, see you!

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Love Always,

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