
Saturday, May 9, 2020


Hey guys,

How are you?

I really hope you guys are feeling well during this quarantine.

This week I'm writing something simple but come straight from me. Not from any research or any references. You guys might have the same opinion and agree with me or you guys might not. Anyway, I'm still going to share this with you all.

So, here it goes....

From time to time we often feel down or angry or disappointed or even happy or joy or giddy. All of that feelings are valid. Whatever you're feeling is valid. So it's okay to feel all that. You shouldn't feel bad for it, especially if you're feeling good.

I will not enlightened so much on the good and positive feelings. I want to write more about the negative feelings or the sad side.

Some people might say:

"You shouldn't feel that way."

"You need to stop feeling like that"

"You should not tell people of your negative feelings."

"Don't talk about your sadness, it will only bring everyone's mood down."

What you need to do is to NOT listen to those people who says all that. You have the right to feel that way. What you need to do is to LISTEN to yourself and let yourself feel whatever you're feeling. BUT don't let it consume you.

And it's okay to share what you're feeling especially to those who care. I understand that there are people who you thought would care but they actually don't. But you also have to realize that there are people who said they care and they actually do care. Which is, to be honest, pretty rare...but possible. You just got to know them better and actually give them the chance.

So what I want to say is, if you feel sad and wanna cry, you cry. If you're angry, get angry. Let it out because the longer you hold it back and keep it deep inside, the stronger it will be. And if you feel like whatever you're feeling is too much for you to handle yourself, share it. Tell someone about it. There are people who would listen. If you don't have that person, you can share it with me. One of the thing that I can genuinely say is, it sucks sometimes to not have someone who would say "I'm here for you." "I'll stand by you." "I'll listen to you."

That's all I wanna share for this week. I'm sorry if it's a little bit serious than it usually is. It's just that I really want to write something like this so people know that it's okay to feel sad or happy. And that your feelings are valid. Let yourself feel whatever you're feeling, just not let it take over yourself.

Have a good day/night guys. I'll write again next week with a different topic. :)

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Love Always,

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