I'm back at my new house.. "awesome"...Tonight,supposedly,me and my classmates are going to Y's house because she wants to do an open house but at the same time,I already made a plan with A and S because they were coming to visit me and hang out...the thing is,I don't feel like going to Y's open house because...I don't know,I just don't feel like I want to...not because we're-not-gonna-be-together stuff,it's just that I might feel uncomfortable since I'm not very talkative...So,I've decided to go spend time with my best friends and we did,I just got back from hanging out with them,though it was kinda quick because A had to go home because his relatives are visiting his family....too bad..but it was great,though..thanks A and S!...But then,I was informed,that Y's open house was canceled today and she will do it tomorrow..what?! O.o so,I might have to go because I don't have any excuses and if she insist me to because if i'm not going,then they might think I'm being a snob or something..."amazing"