
Sunday, February 24, 2019


Hi guys!

So this week I'm not gonna write about tips or a how-to post, but instead, I'll be sharing about a theory that I kinda made but probably other people are thinking about it too. However, since this is my blog,so I'm gonna say it's my theory...haha..

I know you guys must be wondering what the hell am I gonna write this week with that confusing title.

So I'll break it down for you. Please bare with me...haha

Before I begin, I would like to say that this theory is based on my 26 years of observation....well maybe not exactly 26 years but who's counting? LOL.

Okay,here we go..

I believe there are 3 types of people when it comes to talking and listening. Each have their own good side and bad side, same as everything else...haha

1. Talk

This type of person is more to talking than listening. Or might possibly not listening at all. So the good side of this type of person is that he/she can help break the ice or to not make things awkwardly silence. And you can use this person as your escape plan to not talk..haha. The bad side is that they only talk. So they are not a very suitable option when it comes to sharing your problem or if something bothering you. They might seem to listen but there are high possibilities that they are actually not.

2. Listen

This type of person is the opposite of the person above. The good side of this person is that they will listen to you, like really listening. So if anything you wanna share, you can share with them. However, the bad side of it is that you can't expect to bring them to a party and talk because I'm 90% sure that they won't. They might not even go to that party. You can say that those people who listens, they are kind of an introvert. And they might also not be sharing their problems or thoughts with you, which can be harmful to themself.

3. Talk + Listen

This type of person, you could say that they are the complete package...I think..LOL. They can be a great companion because they listen and they can help avoid awkward silence. But, there are downsides of this person. There might come a time where this person end up being either one of the above type. How, you ask? Okay, when he/she realized that they are not actually being listen to, maybe because they are surrounded by the TALK person, they will think that their opinion or topic are not interesting or not good enough or maybe not even useful. So they will decide to be the LISTEN people and keep what might be a great thing to themself. Or, when he/she started to feel too confident because they think that whatever they say people will listen. They might turn to the TALK person without them realizing it.

So that's my theory.

I might be wrong about this but this is what I have experienced or seen in my life.

I know you guys must desperately (😉) want to know which one is mine. I have to say that I am in another category,which I don't listen or talk...haha..

So that's all I got for you guys this week. I hope I didn't offend anyone...LOL

Let me know what do you think of my theory or maybe you have a similar theory but with a better explanation...LOL.

Leave your opinion on the comment below. Share this post if you like sharing. And follow BATC for more post.

Love Always,

Below are the links to my social media, so GO FOLLOW!:

Saturday, February 16, 2019



What's up?

So since everyone is in the mood of love this week...or at least thinking about something that is related to love....haha

I thought I give some advice...or suggestion regarding relationship. Specifically long distance relationship.

I know a lot of you all must be thinking like “Why the f*** he wants to give relationship advice when he never been in a ever?”

First of all, f*** you...LOL. Second, yes, I have never been in a relationship and maybe never will but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about being in love. Isn't it the main thing in relationship? Love? So I have done my research and observation and I do have or had been in love, but that's for a different post.

*wink, wink

So, this week I'm gonna share with you guys the tips on what you should do when you are in a long distance relationship.

Before we begin with the tips, I wanna tell you guys why I choose this topic with this week's blog post. It is because long distance relationship is pretty common nowadays and most of it ended up with a break up. I know that everyone have their own reason but most common thing I heard is because it's hard. Well, isn't all relationship is hard?...LOL..I'm joking...

I just feel like, if you love each other, shouldn't you be thinking about ways to keep it? Instead of thinking about how hard it is? 

Well, I don't wanna talk about my opinion because it's gonna be a long ass post..haha.

So, let's start with the tips!

1. Don't smother your partner with excessive communication.

You don't need to send him/her a text every second because to keep the relationship going, doesn't mean you guys have to communicate 24/7. It will turn out as if you are being possesive or clingy. Plus, come on, what could you possibly be texting when you already out of topic? Less is more, so you just have to find the right moment at the right spot.

2. Think of it as a learning process.

Some people like to think that distance will make them grow apart. Well it's not necessarily true. What I always believe is that sometimes, being apart will make the relationship even stronger. And I'm not just saying about romantic relationship, in any relationship, to be honest. So, take this situation (being apart) as a learning journey for you and your partner.

3. Set some ground rules.

Doing this will avoid you from doing things that pisses off your partner and to be clear with what you expect of each other during the long distance relationship. But try not to be too possesive and list out a bunch of ridiculous rules..LOL. Know what's your relationship, is it exclusive? And what is your commitment level?

4. Don't do the things that your partner dislike.

For example, if going to a party will displease your partner, you can choose either not go or you can let your partner know before you actually go to that party, just to reassure him/her. Trust me, your partner will be very upset or extra worried or extra suspicious if you don't do this..LOL.

5. Greet each other.

From one of the reference that I found, they said it is a must for you to greet each other good morning and good night. And try to update your partner on your life and anything that happens. But again, try not to update 24/7. To make it more sweet, send each other pictures or videos, I mean short videos, not an hour long videos...haha. By doing this, you'll make your partner feel loved and attended to.

6. Do things together.

Related to the above tip, you should also do something together. Maybe play an online game or watch a Youtube video at the same or even read a story on Wattpad together (link is below this post...LOL). Or even more adorable, sing to each other on Skype. To be honest, I really think this is a great way to make your relationship stronger. I mean, even though you guys are not physically together, but you guys can still do something at the same sweet is that?!

Other than that, you can also recommend books or movies or songs or blog to each other. This will make you guys have more topics to talk about.

7. Visits each other.

It maybe kind of difficult especially for those who don't really have a lot of money, but try your best to do it because this is the highlight of every long distance relationship. You will finally be able to hug or hold hand with your partner and see them without any screen cutting in. For other couple, it may seem like a common thing but for those who are in a long distance relationship, this is the best thing ever!

8. Enjoy your time.

Remember, you are alone but not lonely....unless you choose to feel that way. Take this moment to spend time with your friends and family. And focus more on yourself.You don't have to make everything about your partner. But it doesn't mean you are forgetting them or trying to shut them down from your life. 

9. Know each other's schedule.

It's very helpful that you know when is your partner free, so you can call or text him/her. Hence, you will not disturb them when they are in an important meeting or in the middle of class. Don't be like the wife in White Chicks, calling her husband while in the middle of a discuss with his boss...haha. Plus, you will also get to know about his/her big events and you can wish them goodluck or something.

10. Gift a personal object.

Someone once said that there's power in a memento. Even in a small things like a ring or keychain or even a song or a video because we often attach meanings to the items we found in our everyday life. We'll do it either on purpose or not. We try to store memories in physical things, in the hope that when our mind fails us, we can look or hold on to something that will help us remember.

I have to admit that the last sentence is not from myself, I found it online, but I love it. So don't judge.

11. Be honest.

If you try to hide anything from your partner, that secret will slowly become a tumor, like cancer. Well, not literally but kind of, because it will swallow you up from inside out. So don't try to deal with things by yourself. Let your partner help you. Just be honest with him/her.

12. Write a love letter.

Send your partner a hand written love letter. I repeat, HAND WRITTEN. It's more personal and romantic that way, rather than a Times New Roman or other computerized font. And don't forget to send flowers or gifts on birthdays or your anniversaries. I totally agree with this tip and suggest that you do it.

Last, and one of the most important tip is....

13. Stay positive.

I cannot stress enough on this. You have to push away the negativity and replace it with positivity. Though yes, the waiting and the distance is sucks, but you have to remember that when it's all over and your partner is back, the feelings will be so great until all those pain just disappear. One of the positive things that you can do is to be grateful. Grateful that you have someone to love and who loves you back, compare to those who doesn't, like me....

I'm gonna go cry for a sec.



I'm back!

So yeah, be grateful and thankful for the little things.

So, that's all I got for you guys this week, I really hope these tips will help you through your long distance relationship. Or at least give you an idea what you need to do.

Leave your opinion on the comment below. Share this post to help your friends or family. And follow BATC for more post.

Love Always,

Below are the links to my social media, so GO FOLLOW!:

Monday, February 4, 2019


Hi guys!

So this week I wanna do something different. I wanna share with you guys about something that I found out a couple of days ago. It's a good news, for me...LOL. But I will write it here in Norwegian....and English, just so that you guys will get my point and not misunderstand.

The reason why I decided to write in Norwegian is because one, I want to make it more interesting and two, if it's in Spanish or France, it's too common. A lot of people have done it before, though yea, people might have done it in Norwegian too but still, not that many.

So I hope you guys enjoy and I'm sorry in advance if my sentences are wrong or make you guys not get the point.

Let's begin!

Som dere alle (kanskje) vet, har jeg en Wattpad-konto (lenken er under dette innlegget). For øyeblikket har jeg bare 1 novelle og 1 kort, kort historie ... LOL. For noen dager siden logger jeg inn på kontoen min for å se om visningene mine øker eller om noen har igjen en kommentar eller noe (Ja, det gjør jeg noen ganger. Ikke vi alle? Haha). Og jeg så på min (eneste) novelle med tittelen 'Ham, henne og bussen', det er et merke og ved siden av det skrevet '# 11 i YOUWILLLOVEIT'. Youwillloveit er en av hashtag som jeg brukte da jeg publiserte historien min. Så nummer 11! Det er kult! Jeg vet at det ikke er topp 5 eller til og med topp 10, men for meg er nummer 11 en stor prestasjon
As you all (might) know, I have a Wattpad account (the link is below this post). At the moment I only have 1 short story and 1 short, short story...LOL. A few days ago, I log in to my account to see if my views are increasing or if someone left a comment or something (Yes, I do that sometimes. Don't we all? Haha). And I saw on my (only) short story, titled 'Him, Her and The Bus', there's a badge and next to it written '#11 in YOUWILLLOVEIT'. Youwillloveit is one of the hashtag that I used when I published my story. So number 11! That is awesome! I know it's not top 5 or even top 10 but for me, number 11 is a major accomplishment.

Jeg ønsket å fortelle deg hvordan historien går, som en synopsis, men jeg bestemte meg for ikke fordi jeg vil at du skal sjekke det selv :).
I wanted to tell you all how the story goes, kind of like a synopsis, but I decided not to because I want you guys to check it out yourself :) .

Uansett, går tilbake til meg å finne ut historien min er nummer 11. Først fikk jeg ikke det. Hva er det merket for? Nummer 11 i hva? Er det en feil? Men som å gå gjennom lenken og klikke her og der, fant jeg ut at det er ekte, min historie er nummer 11 for hashtag. Jeg vet at det ikke skal være en stor avtale, men jeg er bare så glad for det! Det er latterlig, jeg vet ... haha. Og noen mennesker kan være som, "Åh, det er bare nummer 11 for hashtaggen. Det er ikke engang trending. "Men k***** det, jeg vil bare være takknemlig for det.
Anyway, going back to me finding out my story is number 11. At first, I didn't get it. What is that badge for? Number 11 in what? Is there a mistake? But as go through the link and clicking here and there, I found out that it's real, my story is number 11 for the hashtag. I know it's not supposed to be a big deal, but I'm just so happy about it! It's ridiculous, I know...haha. And some people might be like, “Oh come on, it's only number 11 for the hashtag. It's not even trending.” but f*** it, I'll just be grateful for it..haha.

So, that's all I got for you guys this week. I know it's basically nothing but I just wanted to share with you guys the good news and since I've never done something like this (write in duel language), I'm worried if I write something too long or a fact, I might wrongly enterpret and it's going to be a complete disaster...LOL.

I hope you guys enjoy my post this week. And maybe learn some Norwegian along the way ;).

If you like this kind of post, let me know what other language you want me to do next. But please don't ask me to do an ancient language or something...haha...though it could be fun (nerd alert!) but I can't Google translate it, so that's a problem.

Leave your opinion in the comment below. Share this post if your friends wants to learn a new language. And follow BATC for more post.

Love Always,

Below are the links to my social media, so GO FOLLOW!: