I'm back again with another tips post 😆😆
So, since the new year is around the corner, like literally.....well, not literally because it's not like you actually walking around the corner and can actually see the New Year and say, "Hi New Year"..haha 😂😂
Anyway, to keep the new year spirit, I want to share with you guys some tips on how to organize a great new year's eve party.
Without dragging your time reading ridiculous shit, here's the list of how to organise a new year's eve party. But my tips is not specified to a certain type of new year's eve party (you'll get it after you read them 😆)
1. Location
One of the most important thing is ti decide where you want to have your party. I would suggest your own house, but if you worried something horrible might happen or if you are planning to invite a lot of people, then I suggest book a hall or something. If you want to do it at your own place, then you better make sure to save all your fragile possession in a safe place or any place other than that the living. Especially your mom's vase. Other than that, make sure to have a clear space for dancing because what's party without dancing and without enough space, how the hell are the people gonna dance?
2. Guests
If you plan to have a small party, then you should list out who you want to invite and if the person is from abroad, you might have to arrange for their accommodation. Once you have decided who will be your guests, you should send an invitation via whatever you can afford, even writing on the sky. However, if you are planning for a simple and not an organised party, then you should just go ahead and send your invitation via group chat or social network, whatever floats your boat, because to be honest, word will be spread no matter how many people you told.
3. Time
You have to know when exactly you want you party to start or you can just give some time range when can your guest come. For me, I would provide a specific time (even though it is highly unlikely that they will follow) because I want to be ready. Some people would suggest that you should plan at what time the party should end, is it after the ball drop or the countdown or that new year's kiss, but I feel like, why not just let it be. The party ends once old the guests are leaving.
4. Food and drinks.
For this one, I suggest you check your wallet or your money in your bank if you are paying using debit card, because if you are in a tight budget, maybe you can just get some simple snacks and soft drinks or you could ask your friends to bring food, it will be like a potluck, kinda. If you are not in a tight budget, you can just go crazy with some chorniccon or something.
5. Plan out your activities.
Try to make your activies simple but fun. Don't do some poet reading or crosswords or any other boring stuff. The most important thing is, music. You must play some music, but make sure it's the music that people can dance to and upbeat. And the music has to be loud enough so your guest can hear them. Since it's new year's eve, then your activities must include countdown and ball drop.
7. Decoration.
Again, this is totally up to your budget and of course, what kind of party you are planning. Is it small party or big party. If you have a lot of money and your party is in a hall, I suggest hire a party planner. But if you don't and have a tight budget, then some silly string, paper hats and penny whistles would be good enough because hey, it's a new year's eve party not a New York Fashion Week.
8. Countdown.
The big part of your party. The countdown to the new year. Make sure you subscribe to a live channel or since it's 2018, some live social network (I don't know how that works though). But the most, most important thing, make sure you paid your electric bill!
9. Wrap things up.
We reach the end of the event. It probably be about 1 am or maybe 2 or it could be 3, depending on how crazy your guests are. So, first thing, make sure they all have safe way home. Make sure those who is too drunk are not driving. And, I actually hate this one, if your party is at your house, don't forget the cleaning part. Make sure everything is back to its place. And if you need a hand, just ask your friends to help, though I doubt they will....haha.
So, that's all I have for you guys this week. I don't know if this helps you figure out how to plan for your party but I hope it does.
Let me know if I'm missing some other important tips regarding this, which I'm sure I have. 😂
Hope you guys have a great new year and a great party, if you will have one and don't forget to invite me 😆.
🎉🎉 Happy New Year and Happy Holidays 🎉🎉
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Love Always,
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