
Monday, February 4, 2019


Hi guys!

So this week I wanna do something different. I wanna share with you guys about something that I found out a couple of days ago. It's a good news, for me...LOL. But I will write it here in Norwegian....and English, just so that you guys will get my point and not misunderstand.

The reason why I decided to write in Norwegian is because one, I want to make it more interesting and two, if it's in Spanish or France, it's too common. A lot of people have done it before, though yea, people might have done it in Norwegian too but still, not that many.

So I hope you guys enjoy and I'm sorry in advance if my sentences are wrong or make you guys not get the point.

Let's begin!

Som dere alle (kanskje) vet, har jeg en Wattpad-konto (lenken er under dette innlegget). For øyeblikket har jeg bare 1 novelle og 1 kort, kort historie ... LOL. For noen dager siden logger jeg inn på kontoen min for å se om visningene mine øker eller om noen har igjen en kommentar eller noe (Ja, det gjør jeg noen ganger. Ikke vi alle? Haha). Og jeg så på min (eneste) novelle med tittelen 'Ham, henne og bussen', det er et merke og ved siden av det skrevet '# 11 i YOUWILLLOVEIT'. Youwillloveit er en av hashtag som jeg brukte da jeg publiserte historien min. Så nummer 11! Det er kult! Jeg vet at det ikke er topp 5 eller til og med topp 10, men for meg er nummer 11 en stor prestasjon
As you all (might) know, I have a Wattpad account (the link is below this post). At the moment I only have 1 short story and 1 short, short story...LOL. A few days ago, I log in to my account to see if my views are increasing or if someone left a comment or something (Yes, I do that sometimes. Don't we all? Haha). And I saw on my (only) short story, titled 'Him, Her and The Bus', there's a badge and next to it written '#11 in YOUWILLLOVEIT'. Youwillloveit is one of the hashtag that I used when I published my story. So number 11! That is awesome! I know it's not top 5 or even top 10 but for me, number 11 is a major accomplishment.

Jeg ønsket å fortelle deg hvordan historien går, som en synopsis, men jeg bestemte meg for ikke fordi jeg vil at du skal sjekke det selv :).
I wanted to tell you all how the story goes, kind of like a synopsis, but I decided not to because I want you guys to check it out yourself :) .

Uansett, går tilbake til meg å finne ut historien min er nummer 11. Først fikk jeg ikke det. Hva er det merket for? Nummer 11 i hva? Er det en feil? Men som å gå gjennom lenken og klikke her og der, fant jeg ut at det er ekte, min historie er nummer 11 for hashtag. Jeg vet at det ikke skal være en stor avtale, men jeg er bare så glad for det! Det er latterlig, jeg vet ... haha. Og noen mennesker kan være som, "Åh, det er bare nummer 11 for hashtaggen. Det er ikke engang trending. "Men k***** det, jeg vil bare være takknemlig for det.
Anyway, going back to me finding out my story is number 11. At first, I didn't get it. What is that badge for? Number 11 in what? Is there a mistake? But as go through the link and clicking here and there, I found out that it's real, my story is number 11 for the hashtag. I know it's not supposed to be a big deal, but I'm just so happy about it! It's ridiculous, I know...haha. And some people might be like, “Oh come on, it's only number 11 for the hashtag. It's not even trending.” but f*** it, I'll just be grateful for it..haha.

So, that's all I got for you guys this week. I know it's basically nothing but I just wanted to share with you guys the good news and since I've never done something like this (write in duel language), I'm worried if I write something too long or a fact, I might wrongly enterpret and it's going to be a complete disaster...LOL.

I hope you guys enjoy my post this week. And maybe learn some Norwegian along the way ;).

If you like this kind of post, let me know what other language you want me to do next. But please don't ask me to do an ancient language or something...haha...though it could be fun (nerd alert!) but I can't Google translate it, so that's a problem.

Leave your opinion in the comment below. Share this post if your friends wants to learn a new language. And follow BATC for more post.

Love Always,

Below are the links to my social media, so GO FOLLOW!:

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