
Saturday, May 25, 2019


Hey guys!

How are you?

Me? Not so good. I'm having a fever right now.

Anyways, this week is not a tips or advice post, it's more like announcement/to let you guys know something new that I do.

There isn't much to say (I always say this but in the end I wrote a long ass post) because I think the title already said enough but I will try to explain how it works and why I decided to do it.

So guys, I'm on Younow!

This is not a promo or advertisement by the way.

Younow is an app/website where people can broadcast whatever they want (as long as they follow the guideline) and they can obtain fans (kinda like followers on IG/Twitter) and eventually become partners with Younow.

Let me tell you a bit of the back story on how I found out about Younow.

I first heard about Younow when I saw David Dobrik's broadcast last year but it was an old broadcast and someone posted it on Youtube. So I was like "Oh okay, there's another live stream website that I never heard of" but I wasn't really interested to find out more about it because I thought it was just the same as Twitcam or Live Stream.

And then a few months ago, I found out that you can get money from broadcast on Younow. So I thought "Well, this is interesting". Then I looked it up and found out that you have to be partner first and to be a partner, you have to accomplish a few goals and some other requirement.

However, I feel like other than trying to achieve that goals, I could use this app as a platform for me to voice out my opinion, to share with people what's going with my life and to build my fanbase.

I mean, I will still be posting stuff here but there, I can talk about something that I don't want to be permanent. And plus, this might help me not being too shy or embarrassed of my ridiculous voice.

So that's the reason why I decided to do this broadcasting thing on Younow.

Now I'm gonna tell you what you can do as a viewer on Younow.
- You can view my broadcast by clicking the link (I will put it at the bottom of this post)
- You can become a fan (Once you become my fan, you will get a notification every time I'm live)
- While watching my broadcast, you can chat with me and ask me question and stuff.
- At the same time, you can also drop some likes/bars as a gift.
- And you can also be my guest on my broadcast

So that's much what you, as a viewer, can do on Younow.

So, go download the app or check it out on their website.

That's all for this week guys. I know this is not much of an informative post but I just wanted to let you guys know the update on my life since my last post was like 3 weeks ago, I think..haha.

Leave your opinion on the comment below. Share this post if you like sharing. And follow BATC for more post.

Love Always,

Below are the links to my social media, so GO FOLLOW!:

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