
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

MY DIARY (160)

I slept at 6 a.m. this morning and woke up at noon because I was online... :O..I'm planning to change my blog's title today....You know what,something strange happened to me,not like scary strange but feeling strange.The feeling that I feel after 6 hours of online,a feeling like I think some people said,"I just met you but I feel like I know you",it's weird,right???...but when I woke up and think about it and still have a little bit of the feeling,I kinda like it,not that I hate it before,I was just surprise because I never felt it before....BTW,I just want to tell that I was quite busy yesterday because I went to 2 events.First was a wedding,which I have to get dress in like 20 minutes and second was a small concert/carnival which I had 30 minutes to get dress,it was adrenaline rush...LOL...I am definitely getting better,thank God.... :)

It's been raining everyday and almost the entire time....I'm sorry for haven't change the title yet,I was kinda hesitated because maybe I'm afraid of what people might think or maybe they'll get confuse...but I think I'll change it today.....BTW,I got a letter from Google yesterday,saying that they can promote my business blog,they gave me a voucher for if I give them RM50 for the promotion,they'll change it to RM200...I thought about it for a while but then I decided to not do it because no one bought my clothes before,so why would they want to buy it now?and besides,I don't even have RM50,I'm unemployed and broke....LOL..


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